Corona Virus Measures

Parents: Self-Isolation Form

Update 17/03/2022

Queensbury School Covid-19 Risk Assessment Updated March 2022

Update 29/11/2021

Christmas Fair – Unfortunately has been cancelled.

School Trips / Community Access: Public Health have advised that school trips and community access is suspended until further notice. (Definitely up to Christmas – will review in new year).

Bubbles – We will be trying to keep students within KS bubbles as much as possible. As transport is not operating in bubbles, within school the purpose is to minimise cross Key Stage contact. Lunches will remain in Key Stages, breaks and morning break will have the return of the 3 playground zones from tomorrow.

Update 03/11/2021
Queensbury School Covid-19 Risk Assessment Updated November 2021

COVID-19 Risk Assessment: Vaccination Programme 12-15-Year-Olds (All Schools)

Update 22/10/2021

Queensbury School Covid-19 Risk Assessment Updated October 2021

Letter to Parents – Dr Justin Varney


Queensbury School Covid-19 School Risk Assessment Updated September 2021

Covid-19 Outbreak Management Plan

Key Links





Update 22/06/2021
Safety Measure Reminder Letter to Parents

Update 07/06/2021
Queensbury School – Covid 19 School Risk Assessment Update June 2021

Update 07/05/2021
Queensbury School – Covid 19 School Risk Assessment Update March 2021

Update 16/03/2021
Parents Home Test Letter

Update 11/03/2021
School Attendance Letter

Update 05/03/2021
Queensbury School – Covid_19_School_Risk_Assessment UPDATE March 2021

Update 04/03/2021
Letter from Cllr Ian Ward – Return to school

Update 25/02/2021
Year 11 & Y14 Return to School Letter
Covid Testing Consent Form

Update 12/02/2021

Remote Education Letter to Parents

Update 22/01/2021

Covid Social Story

Update 19/01/2021

Achieve Class Closure Letter

Update 08/01/2021

Speech & Language Support Letter

Update 07/01/2021

Queensbury School Mass Testing Annexe Symptomatic Testing

Queensbury School Covid-19 Risk Assessment for re-opening all provision Version

Update 05/01/2021

Remote Education Letter

Update 16/11/2020

Parent Support – Education and Childcare

Update 12/11/2020

Letter to SEND children and families from Minister Ford

Update 10/11/2020

Queensbury School Covid-19 Risk Assessment for re-opening all provision Version

Update 09/11/2020
The school has taken a precautionary measure to close the 6.3E, 6.4E, 6.5E, 6.6D, 6.7D and 11E Bubbles due to 2 staff members testing positive for Covid 19 – At present students will need to self isolate for 14 days. We will be working with Public Health and currently completing all track and trace to see if we need to close any other bubbles.

We will keep you updated as we find out more information

Thank you for your understanding

Mr Wilson

Executive Head teacher

Update 06/11/2020

Letter to parents from Dr Justin Varney

10N Closure – Home Learning Arrangements

Queensbury School Covid-19 Risk Assessment for re-opening all provision.

Due to a confirmed case in 10N, we have taken the measure to close the 10N bubble and a transport bubble with 5 students.

Update 05/11/2020

Please see the attached link for information and guidance regarding the use of public transport during this time.

If we can assist you further, please contact Liz Richards in school.

Update 02/11/2020
Update and Face Covering Letter

Update 23/10/2020
The Leader of Birmingham City Council Councillor Ian Ward has announced late this evening (Fri 23rd Oct),  that Birmingham City Council will fund free school meals over the holidays retrospectively. The council has issued the following information for parents to make contact with local voluntary leads. We will publish any more information over the holidays but if your family falls in this category click on the link below to make contact, seek advice and support. 

Vouchers will start to be distributed at the beginning  of term. The link is for any families that need support over holidays.
School meals: Councils promise help after Rashford campaign

Update 22/10/2020
Swimming Lessons – Letter
Castle Pool Risk Assessment
Covid Risk Assessment -Swimming

Update 12/10/2020
Queensbury School Covid-19 Risk Assessment for re-opening all provision.

Update 10/10/2020

The school has taken a precautionary measure to close classes 9N and 11N from Monday 12th October, this is due to a staff member testing positive for Covid 19 – At present students in 9N and 11N will need to self-isolate for 14 days. We will be working with Public Health and are currently completing all track and trace to see if we are able to have groups back earlier or need to close any other bubbles.

We will keep you updated as we find out more information

Thank you for your understanding’

Update 08/10/2020

6th Form Closure Update:

Dear Parents,

Just to update you with regards to the closure of the Sixth Form today (8th October 2020). We had information this morning that a staff member had tested positive for COVID 19 in class 6.2.

At that point, we had not got the time available to undertake a robust contact tracing process (Takes a few hours), so we made the decision to close the Sixth Form (which has given us the time to work properly with Public Health). This was to ensure everyone’s safety and ensure any potential transmission was mitigated.

It has also allowed us to Deep Clean and leave the equipment for 72 hours within the Sixth Form Building until Monday 12th October.

After consulting with Public Health today, they have advised that:

1)     Staff and Students in Class 6.2 to self-isolate for two weeks

2)     Students in ‘Transport bubbles’ identified by the school to self-isolate for two weeks.

Relevant families will be communicated with a specific letter directly via WEDUC or letter sent in post. Mrs Adnan and her team have also quickly put into place the home school education through Purple Mash and Zoom streamed lessons for any of these students.

This means our other students and staff  in Sixth Form can safely return on Monday 12th October 2020.

Students that need to self-isolate (Class 6.2 & Identified Transport Bubbles) will return after half term on Tuesday 3rd November 2020.

We apologise for the disruption but really do appreciate your support on keeping all our school community safe.

Thank you

Mr Chris Wilson

Executive Head Teacher

6th Form Closure Letter

The school has taken a precautionary measure to close Sixth form due to a staff member in Sixth form testing positive for Covid 19 – At present students will need to self isolate for 14 days. We will be working with Public Health and currently completing all track and trace To see if we are able to have groups back earlier or need to close any other bubbles.

We will keep you updated as we find out more information

Thank you for your understanding

Update 21st September
Dr Just Varney – Letter to parents

Update 14th September
Suspected Infection in School Flowchart

Update 3rd September
Emotion Coaching Parents Guide

Update 2nd September 2020
Queensbury School COVID 19 Risk Assessment –Full Opening September 2020

Update 6th August 2020

BBC News: Coronavirus symptoms: What are they and how long should I self-isolate?

Update 22nd July 2020
Queensbury School OVID 19 Risk Assessment –Full Opening September 2020

Update 15th July 2020
Coronavirus Update and End of Year Letter

Update 30th June 2020

As part of our unified response to Covid, we developed an eSurvey to capture perspectives from parents & legal guardians of school children who are receiving distance learning. Specifically, we wanted to know how the lockdown is affecting the mental health of parents & their school children- with a focus on feelings of social isolation & loneliness.

The short (10 min) survey can be accessed via PC or mobile:

We have ethics clearance for the study (see attached), and all responses are anonymised – though we give respondents the opportunity to declare if they are interested to be contacted for brief telephone/video interview at end. It would be splendid if you would disseminate to your network (parents & legal guardians of children attending your school) as we hope this survey would give parents an opportunity to reflect on a contemporary issue that will be in the headlines for some time to come.

Download Survey Letter

Update 25th June 2020
Coronavirus Update Letter 8

Update 16th June 2020

School Re-opening CIP
Rules CIP
Mr Field taking the Temperature CIP

Update 12th June 2020

Parents Morning Check Flowchart
Transport Check Flowchart
Suspected Infection in School Flowchart
Risk Assessment Report

Learning at Home Survey – University of Birmingham

Update 22nd May 2020

Corona virus Update 7 Letter – Re-opening of the School
Parents Q & A – Phased Re-opening

Travel Assist Contact Details
Please note that the main telephone number for Travel Assist (0121 303 4955) is currently out of service.
During the lockdown period, we have set up three temporary phone numbers for parents to contact the Travel Assist service Monday to Friday:
7am to 10:30am: Call 0121 464 9137
10:30am to 2pm: Call 0121 675 8633
2pm to 5:30pm: Call 0121 303 3457

Update 18th May 2020

New Rules – CIP
Social Distancing – CIP
Transport – CIP

Update 5th May 2020
Coronavirus Update Key Worker and Vulnerable Student Provision Letter


Update 29th April 2020
Coronavirus PPE Update Letter

Update 17th April 2020
Coronavirus Update Letter

Update 7th April 2020

Please find below useful links to services available through Birmingham City Council
Top ten tips to help your child
The Children’s Occupational Therapy Service
Sensory Support Service
Support to Mainstream Schools during/after Covid-19
Physical Difficulties Support Service
Information for Parents of children with learning difficulties
Educational Psychology Helpline for Parents
Communication and Autism Help

Update 3rd April 2020

Please click on the image below to find out more about Coronavirus and how we can stay safe. in CIP format

Update 31st March 2020

SENDIASS Advice and Support – Covid-19

School Closure – Working Virtually Letter

Update 28th March 2020

Update 27th March 2020

Child friendly explanation of Covid-19

Update 26th March 2020

Update 25th March 2020

Coronavirus information: What should I do?

Update 24th March 2020

Queensbury School Emergency Staff Structure

A message from the Head teacher

24th March 2020

Firstly, can I thank all the parents and carers of children who took the sensible decision to keep their children off from school and at home during this period. You are helping the front line staff perform their roles. We appreciate this will be difficult but we are here to support the best we can.  #stayingathomesaveslives.

Queensbury School has quickly responded to the Covid-19 situation and restructured its entire education provision in less than 24 hours. We have an emergency contingency plan in place and have developed a committed volunteer skeleton workforce that will provide provision for key worker families and vulnerable children if no other option for families.

The model splits the school into two workforces:

1)   Provision in the school –  to maintain safe provision for the critical key worker families and vulnerable children we have risk assessed.

2)   Home learning teams to update resources and be in contact with parents for support.

·         The emergency provision is only for key workers children or vulnerable children who cannot be at home because your work is critical to the national crisis.

·         The volunteer staff that maintain this position in school are putting themselves and their families at increased risk.

·         We urge you to keep your child at home unless you have no other option.

·         If a family takes advantage of this situation we will terminate the provision for your child and cease the transport arrangements, as it puts others at risk.

The school has sent work packs home last week and those children not in school last week will receive them in the post. You can also access home school resources from:

Home Learning Support:

· (Home School Links)


·         Welfare Team – ( contact our wellbeing team if you are struggling in any circumstances).

·         Free School Meal support –

·         You can contact your child’s class teacher and they will upload material to the relevant class page on the home learning link.

Home Learning Class Links
Class Email

Finally, I am in contact with the local authority and other schools to ensure we can all support each other during this coronavirus emergency situation.

We do really appreciate your contribution to bigger during this national crisis. Please do your part to help keep others and your family safe.

Take care

Mr Chris Wilson  – Interim Head teacher with executive powers



Update 17th March 2020

Corona Virus Letter to Parents – Update 4

Update 16th March 2020

The latest update from the Government:

  • Anyone with a fever or persistent cough should stay at home for seven days if they live alone or 14 days if they live with others. Anyone who lives with someone displaying coronavirus symptoms should also stay at home for 14 days. People who have to isolate themselves should ask others for help
  • Everyone should stop non-essential contact with others. This is particularly important for people over 70, those with underlying health conditions and pregnant women
  • People should work from home where they can
  • People should avoid places like pubs, clubs and theatres. This applies especially to those in London which is “a few weeks ahead” of the rest of the UK
  • People should stop all unnecessary travel
  • By the weekend, those with the most serious health conditions should be largely shielded from social contact for 12 weeks

The latest advice for Educational Establishments can be found on the Government Website. Please click here

Guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK and protecting older people and vulnerable adults

As as school we are taking the following measures:

  • Cancelling all non-essential travel, meetings, community access, trips, clubs and courses.
  • Using reasonable social distancing for meetings.
  • Contacted families of most vulnerable children with underlying medical conditions. Advised to put measures in place for upto 12 weeks isolation upon advice from the Government.

Update: 13th March 2020

Stay at home guidance from the website

wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and water.

Useful links with current updates on the Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Public Health England
NHS 111 Service

Additional measures taken by school:

  • Restructured cleaning schedule
  • Door handles, buttons and keyboards cleaned daily
  • Antibacterial points within school
  • Visitor sign in screen cleaned regularly
  • Students had lessons on hand washing appropriately
  • Staff had regular updates from school
  • Daily Public Health and DfE guidance
  • Chair of IEB and members asked for updates across school

We will continue to keep children, parents and families informed of the situation.

Hand washing simple steps –