Useful Links:

SEND Home to School Transport
Application for SEND Home to school Transport
Parents Transport Guide
Home to School Transport Policies
Appeal against SEND transport decision

Transport Assistance

Parents /Carers are legally responsible for getting their child (ren) to and from school.

Parents/Carers who feel unable to get their child (ren) to school, can apply for travel assistance through Birmingham City Council.

Travel Assist, Birmingham City Council are responsible for organising transport arrangements and not the school. You can find more information from or telephone 303 4955

If you feel that your circumstances are exceptional, you should initially speak to school, explain your circumstances and provide evidence. School may support your request, and be willing to help you complete the Transport Referral form. If a Transport Referral form is completed and submitted, then the Local Authority will determine what level of assistance will be provided and notify you in writing. Should your application be declined then you have the right to appeal.   

There is a dedicated phone for parents to contact Travel Assist for updates on live applications and appeals their number is 0121 303 9586. 

However, regardless of transport being approved or declined, it is the legal responsibility of parents/carers to ensure their child regularly attends school.

The LEA attendance target is 95%. Failure to send your child to school regularly may result in legal action been taken.