Overall Aims

The Arts is an integral and unique part of a child’s core education. At Queensbury we believe our Arts education stimulates creativity and imagination whilst giving the child unique opportunities to develop intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially. Through the Arts we help students express their ideas creatively using basic skills and knowledge at levels of expertise appropriate to their interest and development. Our Arts mission at Queensbury School is to prepare students to be appreciators and supporters of the Arts as they become contributing citizens of the community.

Our students experience Music throughout their time at Queensbury School through our planned Music and Cultural celebration days, workshops and assemblies which are planned throughout the year.

For more information how Music is implemented in the curriculum please ask to see our Music Curriculum Development Plan.

Music to inspire Kindness: Music helps students connect to themselves as well as to the people around them - it crosses all cultural, spiritual and educational boundaries. We want all our students to be able to ‘feel musical’ regardless of prior attainment or background.

For students to experience a range of opportunities including live musical performances.
Through music themed workshops students will experience listening & responding to music.

Musical performances, Celebration days, and by taking part in cultural themed assemblies.
Students will have had the opportunity to explore a range of instruments and learn about music and dance from different cultures.

Musical opportunities encourage students to develop a lifelong love of Music and cultural understanding.

(Why are we doing it)
(How we are going to do it)
(What we want to see and develop)
DiscoveryWe aim to promote the growth of young people’s holistic development, encouraging their learning and aesthetic appreciation whilst developing foundation skills – fine motor control and the ability to express themselves.
Children are given opportunities to experiment with ways of changing sound and develop an understanding of pulse, rhythm and pitch.

Students will explore a wide and varied Arts education exploring different ways to be creative including singing, using colour, textures and design and model making. Students will explore a wide range of art mediums and techniques to allow them to develop, learn and grow in their artistic potential. To develop the skill set needed for later education and appreciating the world around them. Students find their Arts lessons exciting, relaxing and enjoyable.
ExplorerStudents take experiences of the world and transform them through the arts, making new connections and relationships. Their knowledge, memories and ideas all feed their imagination. The Arts allows children to explore, build on and record their own creative and imaginative ideas.Pupils investigate different ways of exploring the art including drawing painting – watercolours, pastels, mixed media, print-making and clay. Textiles using mixed media, embroidery, felt and D.T exploring the properties of different wood and metals. Students investigate artists and makers as well as developing their appreciation for art work from different cultures.The Arts will develop imagination, creativity, expression, visual thinking, observational skills and problem solving. Skills gained help to secure future destinations
NavigatorAs a student manipulates a paintbrush, sews a stich or files wood their fine motor skills improve. By counting pieces and colours, they learn the basics of math. When students experiment with materials, they explore science. Most important, when the student feels good while they are creating, the Arts helps boost self-confidence.Students are taught how to explore their ideas and plan projects. They will look at how they can experiment with different techniques and materials and evaluating their work. Developing an understanding of the Arts term and vocabulary along with knowledge of historical artistic movements and the influence they had on the world.Students develop the ability to think of ideas and be creative. Develop knowledge and understanding of the Arts. How to evaluate their work and reflect on how it can improve.
VentureArt and Design provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills as well as an opportunity to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. To develop the ability to communicate ideas, opinions and feelings about their own work and that of others. To appreciate their own and others unique creativity.
Each student has ownership of their sketchbook in order to foster their sense of creativity. Students use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develop skills, record ideas and develop opinions. Each student is given the opportunity to experience a range of art medium through the exploration of an initial key artist, craft maker or designer and their work. Students s explore how their art can share commonalities with famous art and use subject-specific vocabulary to discuss key artworks and their own work.The Venture Arts curriculum contributes to students' personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. It encourages students to develop a sense of ownership over their work and reflect on their experiences through
evaluating their progress and development. Their art outcomes are proudly displayed around the school, virtual art gallery and social media to showcase learning outcomes. Our students show a willingness to participate in a range of artistic opportunities and respond well to this.
QuestTo develop an appreciation of the arts whilst developing foundation skills – fine motor control and the ability to express themselves.Students will explore a wide and varied Arts education exploring different ways to be creative including using colour, textures, design and model making.Students will explore a wide range of art mediums to allow them to develop skills and understanding of different techniques. To develop the skill set needed for later education and appreciating the world around them.

(Why are we doing it)
(How we are going to do it)
(What we want to see and develop)
DiscoveryTo develop skills in problem solving, creative thinking, research and communication.Students follow a curriculum which develops skills in the formal elements (colour, line, form, shape, tone, texture) whist investigating a range of different artists and makers. Students will explore drawing and making skills for different needs and purposes.Students achieve an Arts award qualification whilst developing an appreciation of different cultures. This will provide the skills needed later for further education and develop an appreciation for the world around them.
ExplorerThe Arts education will develop problem solving, creative thinking, research and communication. Students will gain the ability to develop, refine and present ideas.Students follow a curriculum which develops skills in visual language
and the formal elements eg colour,
line, form, shape, tone, texture. Students will explore drawing and making skills for different
needs and purposes.
Students will either achieve Arts award or GCSE whilst depending their understanding and appreciation of the Arts.
NavigatorThe Arts develop problem solving skills, creative thinking, research and investigation, communication and teamwork skills. Students will gain the ability to develop, refine and present ideas. Pupils will develop these transferable skills that are valuable in all areas of employability.The Arts curriculum will allow students to develop, refine and record, ideas. Present a personal response that realises intentions. Improves creative skills through the effective and safe use of media, materials, techniques, processes and technologies.Students will either achieve Arts award or GCSE whilst deepening their understanding and appreciation of the Arts. Students are expected to achieve a qualification which could help them move into further education following a course that broadens their experience of the Arts.
VentureAs a student manipulates a paintbrush, sews a stich or files wood their fine motor skills improve. By counting pieces and colours, they learn the basics of math. When students experiment with materials, they explore science. Most important, when the student feels good while they are creating, the Arts helps boost self-confidence.
Students are taught how to explore their ideas and plan projects. They will look at how they can experiment with different techniques and materials and evaluating their work. Developing an understanding of the Arts term and vocabulary along with knowledge of historical artistic movements and the influence they had on the world.Students develop the ability to think of ideas and be creative. Develop knowledge and understanding of the Arts. How to evaluate their work and reflect on how it can improve.

 The Educational visits trips make major contribution to the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills.  Students record from first hand through photography and sketches.

  • Drama Trip to Matilda
  • Year 10 Pitt Rivers Oxford
  • Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery Visit
  • Graffiti Workshop with Chunxx
Year 11 visit to Tamworth Castle
Art Workshop with John Denaro
Year 11 TEXTILES hat workshop with Sally Harper Kenn – Even staff could not resist putting on one of the hats!
Easter Card Competition
Links to industry
A select group of pupils received first hand knowledge of the ins and outs of David Bridal shop Birmingham. Students were taken behind the scenes and learnt about  bridal dress design, how fittings take place and even got to try on a dress!