The Learning Disability Helpline is our free helpline service offering advice and support for people with a learning disability, and their families and carers

Click here to access the Learning Disability Helpline

Mencap TV is a new TV channel in town, and is broadcast on YouTube everyday. We cover topics like cooking, exercise moves at home, and arts and crafts. We want to show the world what people with a learning disability can do.

We’re doing this because we’re keeping everyone entertained! 

Click on the image below to go to Mencap TV

Queensbury club is an after school club that offers a space to play, relax, have fun and be with friends. We offer a range of structured and non structured activities including themed days where we have a few different activities centred around one theme (for example Christmas, we could do crafts, games, decorations etc). We also do group games, listen to music, and mainly offer a chance for the young people to wind down after school.

The activities are young person centred, they get to voice what they would like to do and we can try and put this in place from session to session.

The next session will start on Thursday 5th March. If you would like your child to attend, please click here to download a copy of our referral form.

Further information can be found on the Midland Mencap website: