Staff anxiety
Direct staff to the NHS website Every Mind Matters, Headspace app and the Hays Education training modules.
Staff also have access to Workplace Wellness confidential line
Staff concern about returning to work
Management plans and risk assessments have been completed; Senior Leader is available to discuss individual concerns along with HR Support.
Staff health issues
Individual Risk Assessments completed for relevant staff. These are fluid documents and can be updated at any point when needs change. Staff are to discuss with relevant Senior Leader if they need to update / set a meeting. As a staff members health needs are confidential. They are to raise with appropriate senior leader.
Staff social distancing / Face Masks
Staff are very aware of the importance of social distancing, where this may be difficult due to the complex needs of some of our students, full PPE is available and training on correct use and disposal of PPE have been carried out with all staff.
We do expect staff to remind others politely if they have left venue and forgotten mask. Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility in the school.
Mug of the week
Each week, bespoke personalised Mugs are made for staff that go above and beyond, help others or who have just done a fantastic job. These much sort after, limited addition Mugs are filled with goodies as a thankyou from the school. Students are sometimes involved in the secret manufacture of these bespoke items!
Well Being Focus Group
A focus group of staff across a range of roles meets frequently to review & suggest ideas to the school to constantly improve well being.