Welcome to our Secondary Department. Our vibrant department is made up of two Key Stages. Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. Our class groups have been structured to follow five main curriculums dependent on a child’s needs and ability. This ensures the young person has their needs fully met and offers a broad and balanced curriculum.

Key Stage 3

Mr Kearns - Associate Head of School
(Year 7, Year 8, Year 9) (Ages 12-14)

Our KS3 curriculums (Discovery, Quest, Explorer, Venture and Navigator) are designed to give the firm building blocks for the next stage of a young person’s Learning Journey in Key stage 4. We work closely with our primary and special school feeder schools to ensure a smooth transition into secondary school.





Key Stage 4

Mrs Watkins- Deputy Head Teacher
(Year 10 & Year 11) (Ages 14-16)

Our KS4 curriculum (Discovery, Explorer, Venture and Navigator are designed to ensure students have the pertinent skills, attributes and values. Students undertake relevant accreditations to support education entry requirements for future Post 16 providers.




Key Stage 3/4 Curriculum

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