What is the type of School?
- Queensbury School is a Cognition and Learning Secondary Special School.
What is the size?
Capacity (2024 – 2025) – 346 max
- 120 New Horizon Site (Post 16), Station Road Birmingham. B23 6UB (KS5)
- 226 Queensbury School (KS3 & KS4) Wood End Road, Erdington. Birmingham B23 8BL
What type of SEND needs does the school cater for?
- Moderate Learning Difficulties.
- Moderate Learning Difficulties may be referred to on a child’s Statement of Special Educational Need or Education Health Care Plan with comments such as a ‘global learning difficulty’, ‘significant difficulty with literacy and numeracy skills’
- Many of our students have additional needs such as communication disorders, including Autism.
- A child may have a primary diagnosis such as Autism and have additional learning needs which require additional support.
- Severe Learning Difficulties
- Social Emotional and Mental Health needs
What size are the classes?
- Discovery Classes: Typically 8 – 12 students
- Quest Classes: Typically 10 – 12 Students
- Explorer Classes: Typically 12 – 14 Students
- Navigator Classes: Typically 12 – 14 students
- Venture Classes: Typically 6 – 8 Students

We recognise that our young people have a variety of complex Special Needs and we believe that they are effectively supported by bespoke interventions in order to assist them in achieving their full potential. The teaching methods and strategies we use aim to address our students’ individual needs and abilities and ensure both personal development and academic progress.
What Cognition range does the school cater for?

- We typically take students working from our P4 step which is working well below age related expectations and those students within the Rochford Review Standards.
- We do have students who undertake a number of GCSE subjects and perform in line with main stream students, but only do this due to the extra provision and support around the young person.
What is the curriculum like at Queensbury?
We have five Curriculums aligned to students needs and abilities:
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Does my child need an Education Health Care Plan?
Yes, we only admit SEND students with an Education Health Care Plan or those who are in the process of receiving one from the local authority.
Does my child get transport?
- The Local authority you live in will assess whether the child’s needs warrant transport to and from the school. (This is not the school)
- https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50052/school_travel/900/specialised_transport_for_pupils_with_learning_difficulties_or_disabilities
- Transport Page
- Independent Travel Training
How do I apply to get a place at the School?
- All our places are commissioned by the local authority.
- Birmingham:
Please contact SENAR:
SEN Assessment and Review, PO Box 16289, B2 2XN. Telephone:
In-year applications
- All our places are commissioned by the local authority.
- Parents will need to share preferences with SENAR who will then consult with us
Appeals and Tribunals
- The above will be managed by SENAR and school will submit their information and rationale
- We do take some students from nearby local authorities:
- Coventry
- Dudley
- Sandwell
- Staffordshire
- Solihull
- Walsall
- Wolverhampton
- Worcestershire
Post-16 placements
- Post-16 placements are also commissioned by SENAR and will follow the same process as above
If you require any further information regarding admissions then please email us at admissions@queensbury.eiat.org.uk