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Go 4 Green is our Queensbury School’s new behaviour rewards system.
All students will have the opportunity to earn tokens for the following:
- Exceptional work.
- Actions that are above and beyond expectations.
- Improved attitude in lessons.
- Completion of homework.
- Excellent citizenship.
- Improved attendance.
Once they have earned a token the students will store them in a “Collector” which will be displayed at the front of their classroom.
These tokens can then be banked or exchanged for a range of rewards.
Examples of possible rewards are:
- 5 tokens – a nice piece of stationery.
- 10 tokens – queue jump for lunch or an extra 10 minutes of lunch time for you and a friend.
- 15 tokens – 15 minutes of an activity you want.
- 20 tokens – non-school uniform day.
- 25 tokens – money voucher or afternoon at the park.
- 30 tokens – money voucher or afternoon tea with Senior Leadership Team.

At the end of each term (starting with Spring Term 2020) the top 30 students will be invited to go on an end of term trip. Alternatively if a class has gained an exceptional number of tokens they will all be rewarded with a trip.
Each week the students with the most tokens will be announced in assembly and over the school PA system.To promote the new system, all classes are doing displays for ‘Go 4 Green’ and there is also a competition for students to design a poster to encourage each other to collect tokens through excellent behaviour.