Dear Parents/Guardians    

As the situation with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continues to develop, we remain committed to helping you and your family to stay safe.  If you have any queries and/or concerns about the welfare and wellbeing of your child or other children whilst schools are closed, please utilise the following agencies and websites for help and advice:

Childline –
Local Foodbanks –
The Waiting Room –
Birmingham Children’s Trust –
Birmingham City Council Safeguarding –
UK Safer Internet Centre –
Emotion Coaching Parents Guide

The Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) provides a single point of contact for members of the public who want to seek support or raise concerns about a child. Their contact details are:

Telephone: 0121 303 1888
Emergency out-of-hours: Telephone 0121 675 4806

You can also contact one of the Pastoral Team or the DSL at Queensbury School through the following email address:

Ongoing communication and support

As a school we seek to maintain regular contact with all our parents and carers, as such designated members of staff will be contacting families on a weekly basis to ensure our students are safe and well and to support parents and carers by ensuring they are able to access the work provided through our online home learning teams.
We hope this information is supportive and useful.

Stay safe,
Queensbury School.

A group of 7 students have been taking part in some mindfulness lessons for the past 6 weeks. One of our teachers, Cara McInerney, trained to deliver the PAWS B course and the students really enjoyed it.They learnt:

  • How our  brain works
  • What to do when we wobble
  • Techniques to help us settle
    We ended our course with a trip to the DonkeySanctuary in Sutton Park on 16th January 2020.  The students were fabulous throughout the course and we’re looking forward to delivering it to more groups in Spring 2.