Overall Aims

The Humanities faculty at Queensbury School spans a wide range of the curriculum: Religious Education, History and Geography. We stimulate a deep interest in basic philosophical thinking – how our world began, evolved and has developed over time. Through engaging topics, students’ develop their social understanding along with an appreciation of ethics, analysis and reasoning skills. We believe exploring fundamental aspects of History, Geography and RE are vital in solidifying students’ sense of identity and appreciating their place within their community and the wider world.

(Why are we doing it)
(How we are going to do it)
(What we want to see and develop)
DiscoveryRecognise and respond to new ideas and concepts.Students will be introduced to new concepts of historical objects, geographical locations and religious artefacts. Students will build a better sense of self awareness and their surroundings. They will recognise different features within their environment in which they live in.
ExplorerExplorers aim is to create a better sense of self awareness. This is in comparison to their home and country and the world.Using a range of historical, geographical and religious concepts to enhance understanding and acceptance of different views. Students are able to implement skills learnt including analysing, problem solving and evaluating to help them become as independent as possible.
NavigatorInspire students to think more and develop perspective and judgement to new concepts and understandings of cultures. Know and understand the key events throughout history, linking to geographical and religious contexts. Students will be able to analyse, implement and criticise new ideas learnt. How items are used, (maps) and how can they be improved (Google maps).
VentureEngage students to the dynamic curriculum that have a particular skills set. Students will have interactive lessons. Focussed mainly on kinaesthetic approaches to learning. Students will have the skills to be more abled to complete new challenges and tasks in future.
QuestRecognise, respond and explore new ideas and concepts.Students will explore new concepts related to historical objects, geographical locations and religious artefacts.Students will develop their sense of self-awareness to their surroundings. They will explore different features within their environment in which they live in.
(Why are we doing it)
(How we are going to do it)
(What we want to see and develop)
DiscoveryStudents will recognise and have a better awareness of dynamics within society. Students will explore a range of key environments and develop the skills to differentiate between them. Students develop a greater sense of diversity their environment.
ExplorerStudents will engage in meaningful discussions related to issues that are raised in society. Students will have thought provoking and detailed discussions around issues in the environment. Students will complete UAS Awards in RE and Geography.Students will have completed units towards a qualification. They will be equipped with the skills to deal with situations where they may feel pressured.
NavigatorStudents will develop social understanding, ethics and, most importantly, the skills of analysis and reasoning; giving them the skills to differentiate between discussion and manipulation.Students will partake in detailed discussions on key issues that are affecting modern society. Students will explore current geographical and religious topics and examine how stewardship is relevant.Students will be challenged to develop decision making skills, collaboration skills and to search for compromise and conflict resolutions that benefit society.


We are often commented on our positive relationships with our students by visitors and inspectors. I believe this is because of the curriculum we deliver, talking about current issues relating them to the past and discussing how things can be moved forward for the betterment of our students.

These are some of the educational visits we do. This was a trip to West Midlands Safari Park. Students were able to see animals in their environment and with some animals they did interact with. This not only opens their understanding of the natural world but to the variety of animals found around the world exploring and describing the different forms of habitats the animals live in an why.

Along the visit students saw a field of poppies in the distance. We then recapped on the historical significance of these and how soldiers are remembered today.

Another trip to the Oratory, Hagley Road Birmingham. Located in the heart of the city, this Catholic Church has definitely inspired student to ask about the importance and significance of religions. Particularly delving into the beauty and dedication of followers.

  • This was a joint project that was completed in partnership with parents, students and the local community. Each poppy was made out of the base of bottles and painted by parents, staff and students alike. This was created to mark the 100 years of the end of the First World War.

Year 8 group went to the local museum, where they explored the Staffordshire hoard and many other artefacts found throughout history from across the world. They were also fortunate to visit the German Market where they experienced different foods and customs.