Link to Safeguarding Page
To ensure all children are as safe as possible whilst not on the premises
The Wellbeing Team will make weekly checks to the parents and ask if any extra help is required at home, if the children have enough educational resources and how generally the family are keeping.
To ensure CPOMS issues are followed up and dealt with effectively
All staff will record any issues and incidents on CPOMS. The DSL and Deputy will discuss these issues and direct to the appropriate person involved. All safeguarding priorities are discussed in set meetings throughout the week.
To understand the risks surrounding each of the children
All children will have been risk assessed and rag rated to the ensure that the medical vulnerabilities or other risks have been considered. As the Government guidance changes during the pandemic, this RAG rating is reviewed by the relevant teams.
To ensure attendance at school is maintained and that if children do not attend on the first day of absence then this will be followed up
The Mentor team will complete safe and well checks for those children who have said they are returning but who are absent from school to ensure we know where all children are. If a justified reason is not in place and communicated with the school, then the school has to comply with the law under attendance procedures.
The children are safe on the premises and all practicably risks have been assessed
A stringent COVD 19 Risk assessment is in place and regularly updated. Click here for the Corona-virus update page.