Jack Dromey (MP for Erdington) has been a long-standing member of our community. He would attend all Erdington School Headteacher Consortium meetings and help schools raise a voice for pressing concerns. Some of these involved Nursery School challenges, preventing development on green sites, risk to children and families and challenges generally with education funding for all types of school.
Jack also represented all 27 special schools and has been instrumental on helping to raise a voice over SEND high needs block funding for special schools, transport concerns, SEND placements in Birmingham, parent concerns and Education Health Care Plan challenges. He always raised with the right people, in the right way and with a smile.
For Queensbury School he wrote independently to Nick Gibbs in the Education department to voice our concerns over the state of the building several years ago. This support was instrumental in ensuring the school got the multi million pound investment we desperately deserved and needed.
He will not be forgotten and our school community passes on our condolences to his wife and family.
Chris Wilson Executive Head teacher