Terry Williams (Partner – Building Surveyor) for Ridge and Partners LLP donated £3000.00 to the Education Impact Academy Trust today. Students from Queensbury School were delighted as £1000.00 will go towards saving for a new climbing frame voted by the Student School Council of Queensbury School. Each of the other schools in the Trust; Wilson Stuart School and Mayfield School will also receive £1000.00 for their schools.
Chris Wilson Executive Headteacher said, “Corporate and Social Responsibility is paramount. The continuing commitment by Ridge and Partners LLP to contribute to some of the most vulnerable SEND children in society to improve facilities within the Trust schools is a testament to their company values. Today has been a real-life tangible lesson for our students in ‘Culture Capital’, that strong businesses with good values, give back to their communities.”
Ridge & Partner LLP have been instrumental in designing Queensbury Schools multi-million-pound new build of seven classrooms and specialist SEND facilities anticipated to be completed at the end of next year.
Steve Hughes Chief Executive Officer for the Trust commented, “Funding for any school is difficult at this present time, this will allow the schools to spend their donations directly on the children we serve, continuing the improvement on standards and educational outcomes.”