Throughout our student’s time in school, we work hard to help them and their families find the right destination at the right time. To do this we have an annual Future Options careers fair and visits from and to employers, training providers, colleges, sixth-forms, etc. All students receive one-to-one careers interviews in Year 10 and 13. For more information, please contact the Careers Lead, Mr Mitchell. 

Academic Year EndingJuly 2015July 2016July 2017July 2018July 2019July 2020July 2021July 2022July 2023July 2024
Provider CohortYear 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19Year 11Post 16-19
Access Creative*31
BMET College17410441333523242
Bournville College111
Care First*1
Derwen College1
Dudley College*1
Halesowen College*11
Heart of Birmingham
Vocational College / HBVC
Heart of England
Training / HOET*
Hereward College*1111
Joseph Chamberlain*1
NOVA Training21123
Other4111213 3121
Queen Alexandra
College / QAC
Queensbury Sixth Form*232433**31152822
Sandwell College111111
Solihull College211121 2111342
South & City
College / SCCB
Tamworth College*1
The Hive @ Wilson Stuart4551058571115
Trinity Specialist College1321431
Walsall College311
Cease To Maintain /
Adult Social Care

*Data only fully recorded from July 2019

**Due to Covid-19 all students transferred from Queensbury Year 11 to Queensbury Sixth-Form