Our new build (7 Classrooms, therapeutic facilities, calm rooms, Nurture Courtyard, offices, toilets, meeting rooms) is on schedule for handover in mid November 2022. E Manton have worked to schedule and made up time on days lost to weather. This will give the facilities our students and staff deserve and allow us to meet needs even better long into the future. The £2.3 Million pound investment is still on track to be within budget which has been an incredible challenge in the current UK and Worldwide financial picture.
Our classrooms have been built to a larger size (63m2) as we know space is vital for our students and staff to deliver high quality Education. Our SEMH provision classes will have access to a safe ‘Nurture courtyard’ and 3 x different calm room facilities for regulation.
The Therapy Room will allow appropriate space for our outside specialist providers to deliver targeted support. The meeting room will provide sufficient space
Once we have an agreed date for transfer from E Mantons and Ridge consultants, we will notify families to allow sufficient time for logistics of transfer of furniture, resources and enable staff the time to have the classrooms set up ready to be used by our students. This has been 4 years in the making to ensure our school has better facilities.