Lockdown – Critical Worker and At Risk Student Provision

Our Critical Worker and At Risk Student Provision is open, each school day 8.45am – 3.10pm. Currently, we have set up two temporary classes: Believe and Achieve. They have formed two new ‘bubbles’ during this lockdown period.  

As the students are of differing abilities and ages, the mornings will mirror the remote learning all our other students are receiving through Zoom based live streamed lessons. Staff will be supervising, supporting and helping the students stream their bespoke lessons.

The Zoom lessons have been scheduled around the child’s original timetable so we prevent disturbances to the planned curriculum, planned schemes of work and reduce potential further learning gaps. This also enables our school to provide the required differentiation for the child’s individual learning needs and appropriate challenge.

Typical Structure of the Day

o   08.45 – 9.15am              – Arrival and Registration

o   9.15am – 10.25am         – Session 1 –  Live Stream Lesson 1 &2 via Zoom

o   10.25am – 10.40am       –  Break

o   10.40am – 11.150am     – Session 2-  Live Stream Lesson 3 &4 via Zoom

o   11.50am – 12.25pm       – First Lunch for Believe class

o   12.25pm – 1.35pm         – Second Lunch for Achieve class

o   1.35pm – 3.05pm Session 3 & 4 In the afternoon will undertake lessons in or be directed towards the work set on our Purple Mash learning platform.

English & the Arts
Maths & Life Skills
Wednesday: Science & FoodThursdays:
PE & Humanities

o   3.10pm – Students collected by SEND TRANSPORT / Parents

What if my circumstances change during Lock down?

If your circumstances change or you believe your child should be included within this provision:  

1)   Complete the Critical Worker Provision Online Form

And / or

2)   Make Contact with wellbeing@queensbury.eiat.org.uk giving details and our Mentor team will make contact to discuss.


Staff working onsite are tested weekly each morning. We have now tested all of our staff and this will continue weekly during lockdown.

We will start testing students from Monday 11th January 2021 in the Critical Worker / at Risk Provision classes Believe & Achieve.

Only those with consent will be tested. During Lockdown we will test the students on a weekly basis to enhance our levels of safety. Our trained staff will be conducting the tests with the students to ensure it is someone that is familiar with your child and understands their SEND needs.  

Chris Wilson – Executive Head teacher

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