Face Masks / PPE (Voluntary)

Face Masks can be worn in communal spaces and when having to work less than 2m with a child / student.

PPE can be worn by staff / Students. PPE lockers are stocked.

Student needs analysis

Staff have considered associated risk based on the individual needs of students and groups of students in relation to the use of PPE within school / class

Social Distancing 1 – In Class

To work at Social Distance were possible. If having to work closely (Less than 1m) for more than 1 minute PPE should be worn, or within 1-2m for more than 15mins.

Staff and students to maintain social distancing when possible.

Tables / Chairs can be spaced appropriately by class staff whenever possible.

Access to PPE

All staff will have access to FFP2 Face Masks in their PPE lockers and personalised visors.

Full PPE (vizors, gloves, masks, aprons) must be worn when helping with intimate care or medical procedures.

At all other times all staff have the option to bring their own clean mask into school if they so wish,

However, the wearing of masks will not be compulsory unless a specific risk assessment deems it necessary for the groups below to wear a medical mask.

PPE will be available to ALL staff within school. Prior to the start of day sufficient PPE will be placed in all class bases used with students. Should additional PPE be required then staff members can request additional items. Staff can request further PPE by email (Fix it system).

Quantity of PPE – Stock

All PPE stock is Government recommended and quality assured.

Use of PPE

ALL staff within school have read and understood the instructions regarding the safe use of PPE to include ‘putting on’ and ‘taking off – including disposal’ This will ensure that staff and students remain protected if PPE is required.

Handwashing and Hand sanitiser

Students and staff will need to wash hands at the start of each day with soap and water. This will be repeated throughout the day and especially at breaktime, lunchtime and end of day. Each class will also have access to hand sanitiser stations were we do not have water access.

Bathroom Support

Staff including care teams will have full access to PPE and must follow guidelines on use when supporting students with care needs and bathroom.

Student / Staff Illness

In the event of staff / students developing symptoms and becoming ill during the school day they will be isolated from others outside. Any staff coming into contact with these people MUST wear full PPE in line with Govt Guidelines. Please see and follow separate flowchart.

In the event the classroom needs to be deep cleaned, an alternative venue / classroom will be timetabled.